
Sea of solitude
Sea of solitude

sea of solitude

Let’s talk about the monsters, which you’ll quickly learn are representations of different people and problems in Kay’s life. On second thought, maybe I don’t need to explore over here It would have been nice, for instance, to have had the opportunity to learn more about the monsters themselves. But while messages in bottles add some nice additional context to the narrative, it feels like there could have been more going on in the sunken city. That’s not really a big deal in a game like this: it is primarily trying to tell a story, and that means that you won’t be able to deviate from the intended path. While there are some knickknacks to collect – messages in bottles are hidden around each area, and you can “shoo” seagulls away – Sea of Solitude typically has only one way of getting from point A to point B. Visuals are simple but compelling and make good use of lighting and weather effects to keep the settings looking fresh. In later chapters, the water levels rise and fall, exposing and hiding different areas that serve as the backdrop for each sequence.

sea of solitude

You can get off to explore, although there’s typically not a lot of ground to cover. At first, you’ll travel mostly by boat, with the sea levels covering most of the buildings, except for their roofs. The world itself is small, taking place around a sunken city, but it’s used in clever ways to add variety to different chapters of the story. You might recognize Quantic Dream as the studio associated with other narrative-focused games like Detroit: Become Human, Beyond: Two Souls, and Heavy Rain, and Sea of Solitude fits in quite well with these titles. Lost at Seaĭeveloped by Jo-Mei and published by Quantic Dream, Sea of Solitude is driven by its story, with some light exploration and platforming elements. You can find Sea of Solitude: Director’s Cut on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. It doesn’t last very long, but it’s memorable, and an experience worth having. Throughout this Director’s Cut of Sea of Solitude, you’ll guide her through her confrontations with these monsters, and try to figure out whether Kay herself should be counted among them. Protagonist Kay herself bears some striking similarities with the monsters she faces, a shadow of a person with glowing red eyes and a bright orange backpack. They take the form of sea creatures, ravens, wolves, and chameleons, among others, and it’s not always clear which are friends and which are foes, whether they need to be defeated or saved. Some try to devour you, some run away from you, and some refuse to acknowledge your existence. Sea of Solitude is a game about monsters.

Sea of solitude